SMS Marketing Statistics

Can Luxury Brands Use Text Message Marketing?

Are you a luxury brand interested in reaching affluent consumers through the use of text message marketing? If so, you may have a harder time than if you were interested in reaching regular consumers. Why? The folks at the Luxury Institute (who knew even something like this existed), recently asked US affluent internet users if they would be interested in to receive text messages from a luxury brand, and the results are pretty shocking!

The Luxury Institute found that just 17% of US affluent internet users, those with an income of $150,000 or more, had signed up or were somewhat/very likely to opt in to receive text messages from a luxury brand. On a positive note, when the question was asked to millennials, 27% of them said they had signed up or were somewhat/very likely to opt in to receive text messages from a luxury brand. Check out the graph below for more info.

Retail Text Message Marketing Statistics

How does this compare to email marketing? You can see what happened below when the Luxury Institute asked affluent consumers if they’d opt-in to receive emails from a luxury brand. A much higher percentage of affluent consumers would opt-in to receive emails from a luxury brand, as compared to text messages.

Retail Email Marketing Statistics

That being said, email marketing doesn’t come near the 99% open rate that brands see with text message marketing. While only 17% of US affluent internet users were somewhat/very likely to opt in to receive text messages from a luxury brand, nearly all of those consumers that actually do opt-in, are actually seeing the brand’s message. This is not the case with email marketing averaging only an 18% open rate.

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