Nonprofit SMS Marketing

Consider Your Donor Journey to Achieve Your Fundraising Goals

Consider Your Donor Journey to Achieve Your Fundraising Goals

Nonprofit organizations have many communication options for connecting with constituents, raising funds, organizing in-person events, and rallying volunteers. Some teams use emails and phone calls, while others rely on printed flyers, bumper stickers, and social media posts. However, text messaging is increasingly becoming the ideal communication option for contacting supporters.

Tatango has been a text marketing pioneer and industry leader for over 15 years. Tatango’s cutting-edge text fundraising platform has helped organizations connect with their audiences and achieve their fundraising goals, easily. If you’re starting a new fundraising campaign or revitalizing an existing one, the Tatango text marketing platform will help you succeed. Only 15% of nonprofits use text messaging to stay connected with supporters, which is why now is the perfect time to implement text messaging at the center of your outreach efforts.

How the Text Marketing Donor Journey Works

Successful text fundraising starts with the customer journey—seeing things through their eyes. As text marketing gains broader adoption and popularity among nonprofit fundraisers, the donor journey has become increasingly important. Strategists must carefully and holistically consider their supporters’ experience and ensure it’s properly planned out from start to finish. 

While your team works on planning messages, sending brief updates, and adding donation links, you must also think about your supporters’ journey. To ensure they stay engaged for the long haul, they need to learn about your brand’s goals, sign up for messages, get involved, follow donation links, and get updates about your plans for the future—and it should be as straightforward and effortless for them as possible. 

Three Steps to Building a Solid Donor Journey

To build a successful text message fundraising campaign, you must prioritize your supporters’ experience. Donors are more likely to get involved and stay invested long term when they recognize your care and passion and feel involved in your story. 

While writing and sending messages, consider how potential donors experience the opt-in process. Reassure supporters that you take their privacy seriously and your donation links are secure. Let them know what their donations help fund and share examples of the direct, real-world impact their support will make. Keep all those considerations in mind and follow these three key steps to create a smooth donor journey.

  1. Create a Straightforward Opt-in Process

    Legally speaking, you can’t start messaging random numbers or adding people’s contact details to your subscriber lists without their consent. Plus, many people find that spammy and invasive. To encourage supporters to opt-in to your campaign, promote your text campaign on your website, merchandise, emails, and signs, and at in-person events, and offer a simple opt-in process for those who want to subscribe. Clearly explain what subscribers can expect, such as how often you will contact them and the kinds of messages they may receive from you. Avoiding surprises will create a solid foundation of trust and a positive experience for your supporters.

  1. Ensure Your Donation Process Is Secure

    The donation process should be transparent and straightforward. People won’t use donation links in text messages if they feel their data won’t be protected and kept safe. With an text provider like Tatango, two-factor authentication, secure sending, and automated logouts help keep subscriber lists and donor information private. Promote your security measures and let supporters know how their donations are processed.

  1. Follow Up and Show Your Appreciation

    Your supporters are vital to reaching your goals. Let donors know exactly how their donations and volunteering helped. Using Tatango’s in-house design and messaging options, you can send multimedia messages and engaging updates to keep people invested and ensure they feel valued.

When the donor journey is straightforward, secure, and shows your appreciation, more people will want to join you and may even encourage others through word of mouth.

Put Yourself in Your Supporters’ Shoes 

Considering the donor journey is a crucial part of successful text fundraising. When people can trust that your team is reliable and forward-thinking, they’re more likely to donate and stay highly engaged. You have clear reasons for raising money and setting your sights on specific goals. Enthusiasm is infectious. Make your priorities, expectations, and goals clear from day one, and you will motivate others to join you in your efforts. 

To learn more about SMS marketing and fundraising, contact the team of experts at Tatango today.

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