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Three Common Mistakes Nonprofit Marketers Make On Their Giving Tuesday Campaign

Giving Tuesday can be a monumental opportunity for nonprofits to accelerate their fundraising efforts and achieve their fundraising goals. Having grown in prominence since its beginning in 2012, many organizations now gear up for this day to maximize donations. However, in the rush to make the most of this global day of giving, nonprofit marketers often commit some common mistakes that can hinder their efforts. Today, we’re highlighting three prevalent missteps and offering insights into how they can be avoided.


1. Lack of Preparation and Pre-Event Promotion

The Mistake:

One of the most common errors nonprofits make is treating Giving Tuesday as a one-day event. Many nonprofit marketers and fundraisers spring into action on the day itself without any pre-event promotion or awareness-building.


The Consequences:

Without preliminary awareness, even your most loyal supporters might miss out on the opportunity to contribute on the actual day. Additionally, there’s immense competition on Giving Tuesday, with countless organizations vying for supporters’ attention. Without prior communications, your campaign might just get lost in the noise.


The Solution:

Treat Giving Tuesday as a focal point, by promotinging it weeks in advance. Use multiple channels like emails, social media, webinars, and even text messaging to drum up anticipation. Share stories of past successes, and beneficiaries of the fundraiser, and set clear goals for the upcoming event. A countdown or a series of compelling narratives leading up to the day can galvanize potential donors.


2. Generic Messaging Instead of Personalized Outreach

The Mistake:

In the effort to reach as many people as possible, nonprofits often blast generic messages to their entire subscriber or donor list.


The Consequences:

Generic messages often lack the emotional pull required to inspire donations. Given the abundance of requests that potential donors receive, especially on a day like Giving Tuesday, it’s the personalized appeals that stand out and resonate.


The Solution:

Segment your audience based on their interaction history, donation amounts, and other relevant metrics. Craft personalized messages that address these segments. For instance, thank recurring donors for their continued support and perhaps offer them a special Giving Tuesday exclusive update about the impact of their support. For one-time donors or those who haven’t donated in a while, highlight the impact of past contributions and show them the potential difference they can make this year. Using segmentation can assist nonprofit fundraisers in their personalized outreach.


3. Neglecting Post-Event Engagement

The Mistake:

Once Giving Tuesday is over, many organizations shift their focus immediately to the fundraising season, end-of-year giving. Because of this, they neglect to follow up with those who contributed during Giving Tuesday.


The Consequences:

This lack of post-event communication can leave donors feeling underappreciated. It can also result in a missed opportunity to nurture these relationships for future engagements or to turn one-time donors into recurring contributors.


The Solution:

After Giving Tuesday, take the time to send personalized thank-you messages. Share the results of the donation impact, highlighting how the collected funds will be utilized. Encourage feedback, and perhaps even conduct a survey to understand what motivated them to donate and what improvements they’d like to see in future campaigns. Remember, nurturing donor relationships is a year-round activity, and the post-Giving Tuesday phase is as crucial as the buildup.


Giving Tuesday offers a significant platform for nonprofits to rally support and drive donations. However, success hinges not just on the passion and purpose of the organization but also on the strategy they employ. By sidestepping these common Giving Tuesday mistakes and focusing on a well-rounded, personalized, and engaged approach, nonprofit marketers can significantly enhance their chances of achieving their fundraising targets.


If you want to learn more about how texting can accelerate your nonprofit’s Giving Tuesday efforts, contact the team at Tatango today. 

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