SMS Marketing Examples

MAC Cosmetics Announces New Product Line With Text Message

Is your brand constantly launching new products? If so, it would definitely be a good idea to take a few minutes to see how MAC Cosmetics is using text messaging to launch new products, such as their Sharon & Kelly Osbourne line.

The text message below was sent to all of MAC Cosmetics’ SMS subscribers, encouraging them to shop the collection by clicking on the link within the text message.

When SMS subscribers clicked on the link, they’re taken to a nice mobile-optimized shopping experience, as you can see below. When launching a new product, it’s all about getting attention and getting that attention fast. By launching any new product with a text message announcement you’re guaranteeing your customers will see the announcement, and see if fast. Why? Text messages have a 99% open rate, and the average text message is read within three minutes of being received!

Mac Cosmetics Mobile Advertising Example

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