SMS Marketing Best Practices

Back to Basics in SMS Marketing

While it’s always a good idea to AB test your SMS promotions, it’s also a good idea to continually test your SMS marketing campaign to make sure everything is working as it should. While putting together a list of the top 100 brands using text message marketing, I was shocked to find that three of the brands had major issues when collecting email addresses during the mobile opt-in process.

As you can see below, Dunkin’ Donuts, Ikea, and even Walmart, all had issues when trying to collect a customer’s email address during the text message opt-in process. This is why it’s so important to always be testing your SMS marketing campaign, as all three of these brands are potentially losing thousands of new customer email addresses. Have you tested the opt-in process for your SMS marketing campaign lately?

Dunkin' Donuts Text Message

Walmart Text Message

Ikea Text Message


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