SMS Marketing Examples

Victoria’s Secret Text Message Marketing Examples

When a brand is exploring the idea of launching their own text message marketing campaign, a common question is what should they be sending their mobile subscribers? While we’ve posted in the past about different types of SMS coupons that a brand should experiment with in their text messages, a lot of brands want to do more than just offer coupons to their mobile subscribers.

An example of a brand offering more than just SMS coupons is Victoria’s Secret, with their Pink Nation program. While the first message you get after signing up for Victoria’s Secret Pink Nation SMS messages is a coupon, you’ll see below that a lot of their SMS messages aren’t coupons, but SMS messages aimed at engaging their SMS subscribers in different ways. Below is the first coupon you receive from the short code 877465 after signing up to become part of Victoria’s Secret Pink Nation program.

Victoria's Secret Text Message Promotion

After signing up, I then received an SMS message from Victoria’s Secret with a link to listen to the playlist they created on Pandora and Spotify for spring break.

Victoria's Secret SMS Message

Then I received an SMS message from Victoria’s Secret about their new iPad app, with a link to download the app.

Victoria's Secret Text Message

Then I received an SMS message with a link from Victoria’s Secret to go watch the “biggest (&best!) dance party video ever – made w/members’ pics!”.

Victoria's Secret SMS

As you can see from the four SMS messages received from Victoria’s Secret, a brand doesn’t always have to send SMS coupons to their subscribers. It’s always a good idea to mix things up, but always remember the golden rules of text message marketing.

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