SMS Marketing Industry News

TextMarketer Gives Interesting Insight into Customer Base

I’ll be the first to say that most mobile marketing infographics are just re-hashing statistics that are already out there. This makes most mobile marketing infographics pretty to look at, but not very insightful.

An infographic by TextMarketer, the leader in SMS marketing in the U.K. has bucked this trend by giving some interesting insight into their customer base and their messaging habits. Usually this type of detailed information about a customer base is highly guarded, so I was to surprised to say the least when I stumbled upon this information embedded in their infographic.

TextMarketer has been around since 1999, so the data they’ve collected is definitely of value for anyone in the SMS marketing industry.

The first set of data displayed below looked at the percentage of TextMarketer clients and their respective industries, when compared to the total amount of accounts. The only thing odd I found within this data set was that recruitment

TextMarketer Customers


The second set of data looked at the message volume of each industry, when compared to the total amount of text message sent.

TextMarketer Revenue

The most interesting thing I found with this data is that while venue based clients only account for 7.46% of TextMarketer clients, this industry accounts for nearly a quarter of the total messaging volume. This means these clients have either extremely large SMS subscriber databases or the frequency is much greater than other industries.

With TextMarketer charging messaging fees to their customers, it’s safe to reason that venues, recruitment and retail make up over half of their messaging revenue. Interesting stuff and great insight into the business of SMS marketing.


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